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A helpful guide for those wanting to make their loved ones feel better or recovery quicker when they are sick or under the weather. Tips and tricks to help someone “get well soon”.
Even though the weather is finally improving around the country, a lot of people are still feeling under the weather. After being cooped up inside all winter with forced air vents, little sunshine, and less movement than normal, no one it feeling 100% themselves. Couple the unending winter with the start allergy season and you have a recipe for watery eyes, runny noses, and scratchy throats.
Take my dad for example, he suffers from allergies AND asthma, so these past few months have been particularly hard on him. He basically felt like he was perpetually sick all throughout the winter because of the circumstances. It was hard to see him suffer and not feel great for such a long period of time. I constantly wished there was something I could do to make him feel better and more comfortable.
Obviously this example hits close to home for me, but we all have had people in our lives that we care about that have been under the weather before. I’m sure you can relate to feeling pretty helpless in making their illness go away, but luckily there are a few things you can do to speed recovery and make them feel better throughout the process.
Today I’ve rounded up my go-to tips and tricks for helping someone “get well soon”. In my case, I came up with this list for my dad, but it’s applicable to any one in your life that you want to show how much you care. Obviously, these tips are not medical and may not actually heal the person’s sickness, but they certainly will brighten their spirits.

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