11 things you didn't know about the day Jesus died
Good Friday is the day when Christians the world over commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at Calvary. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, or Black Friday and comes the Friday before Easter. The date of Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon following a spring equinox. This year, Easter is on Sunday, April 1. Below are some historical facts about Good Friday:
1. On Good Friday 1930 the BBC reported that there was no news so instead, they played piano music.
2. During the Great Fire of New Orleans in 1788, priests refused to allow church bells to be rung as fire alarms because it was Good Friday. As a result, 856 buildings burned in the inferno. READ ALSO: "Hell does not exist, sinners will disappear"- Pope Francis
3. Many parts of Germany ban dancing on Good Friday. The strictest bans start at 4 a.m. on Thursday and run through Saturday.
4. In 1592 “the London Clerk of Markets issued a decree forbidding the sale of hot cross buns and other spiced bread, except at burials, on Good Friday, or at Christmas. The punishment for transgressing the decree was forfeiture of all the forbidden product to the poor."
5. The Saturday after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday is called Holy Saturday.
6. Ireland bans alcohol sales on Good Friday.
7. Radio & TV stations in NZ aren’t allowed to play any commercial content at all on Good Friday, Easter Sunday & Christmas Day or they get fined.
8. On Good Friday almost 500 years ago, Scots fought in a battle on Swedish soil in which their country was not involved.
9. There is a superstition on Good Friday that if you wash your clothes the head of the household could die.
10. No-one’s entirely sure where the name “Good Friday” actually came from.
11. In 1935 the Germans published a new calendar, removing names of saints’ days and Good Friday was named in memory of the 4500 Saxons who were murdered by Charlemagne the Butcher. Today many Christians will be reflecting on the bible. However, some have said that the best book an atheist can read is the bible. And this is because some bible verses are so unbelievable to us humans. While the Holy Bible is the regarded as the final authority by most believers in the Christian religion, many find it hard to swallow. Christians are marking Good Friday, this Nigerian man recently left Christianity for Islam.
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