Former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee (R) presenting the Padma Shree award to Indian film actress Sridevi (L) during the presentation of the “Padma Awards 2013” at the Presidential Palace in New Delhi. Veteran Bollywood actress Sridevi Kapoor, considered by many to be the first female superstar of Hindi cinema, has died after suffering a heart attack in Dubai, her family told PTI on February 25, 2018.
An investigation into the death of Bollywood superstar Sridevi Kapoor, who drowned in her bathtub in a Dubai hotel, has been closed, police said Tuesday.
“The Dubai public prosecutor’s office has decided to release the body of Indian actress Sridevi to her family today (Tuesday) after the investigation into the incident was concluded and the case closed,” read a tweet by the Dubai police.
Sridevi, 54, drowned in her bathtub after losing consciousness at the weekend in a hotel in Dubai, where she was attending a wedding.
Dubai had held the superstar’s body since Saturday, pending the results of the post-mortem investigation.
Born Shree Amma Yanger Ayappan in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, Sridevi appeared in around 300 films and was awarded the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian award, for her service to the film industry.
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